UPDATED: WGMD No Longer Experiencing Technical Issues
UPDATED聽 FRIDAY 1pm – WGMD is back up and on the air – and Duke Brooks will be on the air and taking your calls this afternoon. We had an equipment failure yesterday that took out the studio board. With a lot of teamwork, a little bit of bubble gum and wire – and help from our remote gear we were back on the air again yesterday afternoon with the Savage Nation and through this morning with regular programming with the exception of Mike Bradley and Jake Smith being able to take phone calls. Many thanks also to Walt Barcus.
Soon after we got the main studio board back on the air, we had a power glitch, but were back on the air within 15 minutes.
Mike Bradley and the Morning Team are on the air!!
WGMD is on the air with Savage Nation 3-6p, then regular programs until 6am.
1pm – WGMD is temporarily off the air due to a technical issue. We are efforting to correct the issue and will return to the regular programming as soon as possible.