WGMD Fishing Report 9-7-19


On Friday we got lucky.  The wind at the Delaware Lightship Buoy topped 33 knots and the waves were at nine feet.  It could have been a lot worst.

Since I have no fishing report, I thought I would talk about circle hooks.  It looks like we will be required to use circle hooks when bait fishing for striped bass in 2020 and we should be using them for all of our bait fishing anyway. 

I saw my first circle hook in 1989 when I went amberjack fishing out of Virginia Beach.  My first thought was how can a hook that is bent back on itself catch anything.  We used live croaker at the Southern Tower and caught an amberjack on every drop.  Since then I have moved to using circle hooks for everything from croaker to marlin.  They not only make it easier to hook the fish, they make it safer because a circle hook is seldom, if ever, swallowed.

Non-offset circle hooks must be used to ensure the hook is not swallowed and will lodge in the corner of the mouth.  The hook point must not be buried in the bait.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report
