WGMD Fishing Report 9-21-20
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday and it looks like Monday and Tuesday will repeat Saturday and Sunday.聽 Checking the long-range forecast, it looks like Thursday before we see any break in this weather pattern and that鈥檚 only if no more storms form in the Atlantic.
Lewes Harbour Marina said no one went out on Sunday and no one answered the phone at Hook 鈥檈m and Cook 鈥榚m or at Old Inlet Bait and Tackle.
In the Upper Delaware Bay, Smith Bait said white perch fishing has been very good. Steve Smith and his grandson had a great catch of white perch in the Leipsic River on peeler crab and bloodworms. Steve also said that keeper rockfish are beginning to appear in the Upper Bay where Joey Simpler had a 30 incher on a peeler crab.
Captain Chris Dollar told us the rockfish action above the Bay Bridge continues to be very good. The Chester River and the Rock Pile by the Bay Bridge have seen good numbers of rockfish taken by trolling jigs and spoons in tandem.
This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.