WGMD Fishing Report 8-6-22


Saturday saw good fishing for inshore and offshore.

The Savannah Lynn ran an 8-hour trolling trip on Friday catching limits of bluefish and Spanish mackerel. Half-day shark trips have seen lots of big critters to 200 pounds. Bottom-fishing trips have produced sea bass and flounder.

On Saturday Deanna at Hook 鈥榚m and Cook 鈥榚m said the Judy V had a good morning trip. Her patrons caught flounder to 7.4 and 5.5 pounds. Captain Aaron herd on the Gale Force had bluefish to 10 pounds for his party.

The Bill Slayer had the Barkly Heating and Air along with the Master Electric groups out and they went 7 for 8 on yellowfin tuna, keeping 6. They also caught a 178-pound bigeye. The yellowfin hit Sterling Tackle Trackers while a Nomad DTX Minnow fooled the bigeye.

Captain Jamar and Mate Aaron on the Sea Jay II had a good catch of flounder on Friday over ocean structure.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
