WGMD Fishing Report 8-26-19


Sunday saw small craft advisories flying on the bay and the ocean and they will be up again on Monday.  It looks like it will be at least Wednesday before we get some decent fishing weather.  In addition, the beaches may be closed due to high water and erosion on Monday.

No boats left the dock on Sunday and I doubt any will be going out on Monday.  After a hard blow like this the fishing may improve as bait such as mullet and peanut bunker begin to leave the tributaries and move into the bays and the ocean.  This bait generally hugs the shoreline and surf fishermen will be working the beach looking for blues and perhaps a trout or two.

The offshore crowd will begin to see schools of marlin getting ready to move south.  These will be hungry fish and multiple catches are likely.

Closer to shore, summer flounder will be leaving the bay and rivers and moving to the ocean where they will spawn.  With luck, some big flatfish may be caught from ocean structure.  Live spot will be the top bait for the big fish.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report
