WGMD Fishing Report 8-24-18
Never was there a prettier day to go fishing than Friday. Larry Weldin, Doug Elliott and I left Larry’s dock around 7:00 AM and headed to the Old Grounds. We started off slow and then hit one spot where we caught five flounder. After that it was a slow pick as we finished the day with 13 flounder. We were only eleven keepers short of a boat limit. Doug was high hook and had the keeper, I had the largest sea bass and Larry ran the boat.
Amanda at Lewes Harbour Marina told us about Ave Plummer who fished on the FOMO with her family and was high hook catching trout and croakers. The Top Fin ran to ocean structure and returned with sea bass and flounder for his party. The Katydid took a group of ladies out to the ocean where they had a great time cranking in triggers, flounder, sea bass, porgies and one sheepshead.
Old Inlet said a fair run of small blues hit the beach early in the morning at South Bethany where they were caught on cut bunker.
This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.