WGMD Fishing Report 6-29-18
It was still a tad breezy on the ocean on Thursday so the best fishing was in the sheltered waters of the Delaware Bay.
We received word from DNREC that Secretary Garvin has signed an emergency order changing the regulation for tautog.聽 The season will reopen on July 1 and continue until December 31.聽 The 2019 season will run from January 1 until May 15 then reopen again on July 1.聽 An increased size limit of 16 inches and a reduced bag limit of four fish will be the law beginning on July 1.聽 The new seasons give Delaware anglers 48 more fishing day a year.聽 This emergency regulation was needed to bring Delaware into compliance with Amendment 1 to the ASMFC Interstate Fishery Management Plan for tautog.
I spoke with Jerry at Taylored Tackle in Seafood who said blue cats are in the Nanticoke River.聽 Justin Townsend caught a 25.10 pounder on a live toad.聽
This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.