WGMD Fishing Report 6-23-18


Calvin Long and his father Bryan Long from Wyoming, DE, caught this
121lb (gutted weight) blue fin tuna while fishing ballyhoo on spreader
bars at the Baltimore Canyon on “Knock On Wood” with Dave Woods.

Friday saw small craft advisories, northeast winds to 25 knots, seas above six feet and very few people fishing.

The only positive report we received was from Old Inlet Bait and Tackle where some short rockfish were caught during the night and some small blues were taken in the morning from the inlet.

Captain Don Churchill called on Thursday evening to say he is seeing more keeper-sized trout while fishing in Delaware Bay on the Pirate King out of Anglers Marina.聽 He told me where he felt lucky to have one keeper per trip he is now seeing several trout in the 15 to 16-inch class.聽 With a one-fish limit no one is filling their cooler, but perhaps we are seeing the beginning of a trout comeback.

This 4.6lb black sea bass was caught by Randy Eddinger of Harbeson, DE when he was fishing with Capt. Mike Eddinger on the Paul B. Sands. They were using squid and fishing at the Radford.

Every week I receive the report from the DNREC Enforcement Police and every week there are at least one and sometimes three or four people ticketed for not having a PFD on a child less than 12 years old.聽 Come on folks, kids need adults to take care of them and allowing a child to be on a boat without wearing a PFD is just irresponsible.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.






