WGMD Fishing Report 4-27-21

Tuesday saw summer-like weather and some better fishing from the beach and Indian River Inlet. The rest of the week should see southwest winds of 10 to 15 knots and seas in the ocean of three to four feet until Friday when we go back in the washing machine.

The big news of the day came from Amanda at Lewes Harbour Marina who checked in an 11.32-pound bluefish for C.J. Rickards. The fish was caught on a surface plug at an undisclosed location. Amanda also checked in a catch of tog from a private boat that was caught over ocean structure.

At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle they said it as a shad-o-rama at the inlet on Tuesday morning with shad darts and small spoons doing most of the damage. On the beach, a few large rockfish were caught on cut bunker. Some were in the slot and some were over the 35-inch maximum and were released. A few smaller rock took bloodworms.

I had a disappointing trip to Wilson and Beaver Run. No trout at Wilson Run and no place to park at Beaver Run.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report.
