WGMD Fishing Report 4-1-18


As advertised, I went fishing on Saturday and as expected, I didn’t catch or see anything caught.  I began around 1:30 PM as the tide was just starting out at the public dock in Milton.  There were two other folks fishing when I arrived, but they soon left.  They did not have a full stringer or cooler dragging behind.

Another angler arrived almost as soon as the first two departed and when I left he was still fishless.  I moved my operation to the pier at the spillway where one gentleman told me he had caught a pickerel.  He was casting a small swim bait.  As the two of us left, a fly fisherman arrived.  There were two bass fisherman on Wagamons Pond, but I didn’t see them catch anything.  I did not see any herring at the spillway.

On Saturday morning I drove down to Lewes Harbour Marine where JB was putting the Angler and the Pirate King in the water.  Ted said he hoped to be running in the next two weeks.  The Katydid is already at her slip and plans to run a tog trip on Monday.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.