WGMD Fishing Report 3-29-18


There was a slight improvement in the weather on Wednesday, but big seas in the ocean and bay along with a 42 degree water temperature in both locations prevented anyone from getting out and trying to catch some fish.聽 There is a small craft advisory for high seas that looks like it will carry through Friday.聽 Saturday looks fishable if you want to try for some tog.聽 On Sunday the bag limit for tog drops from five to three fish.

Maryland has received permission from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to drop the rockfish minimum size from 20 to 19 inches during the Chesapeake Bay summer season.聽 The reason for this change is to prevent mortality of 19-inch fish while anglers sorted through short fish looking for a 20-inch keeper.聽 In addition to the minimum size there will now be a requirement to use non-offset circle hooks when live lining or chumming for rockfish.聽 You may use J hooks with a 陆-inch gap when fishing with other baits.聽 In my experience you are better off using circle hooks with all types of bait.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.聽

