WGMD Fishing Report 3-2-19


If there was ever a day not to go fishing, Friday was it.  Rain, sleet and snow with temperatures in the upper 30s just don’t lend themselves to spending time outdoors.  The only exception would be snow goose hunting, but they seem to land only where they know no one is waiting with a shotgun.

Fortunately, the weather guessers have taken the rain out of Saturday’s forecast and predicted temperatures rising into the balmy lower 40s.  Just right for the opening day of Delaware’s freshwater trout season.

There will be an outdoor show at the Cheswold Fire House on Saturday.  It opens at 8:00 AM and runs until 3:00 PM.  My friend Bob Baker will be there selling his famous flounder rigs.  There will be hunting and fishing vendors plus lots of good fire house food.  I plan to stop by after a morning of trout fishing.

The minimum size of all short fin makos landed in 2019 must be 83 inches fork length.  This is the final rule from the National Marine Fishery Service.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report

