WGMD Fishing Report 12-9-19


Sunday was a bit better in the weather department and if anyone from Delaware went fishing, I will have their reports on Monday.

For today, we will get back to more tips for tog fishing.

Always use the freshest bait you can get.  Live green, while legger, box, fiddler or blue crabs work well. 

I tie one-hook rigs using Virginia-style beak hooks.  I have seen two-hook rigs with both hooks tied directly above the sinker and placed in one bait such as a whole green crab or shrimp.  Many folks still use the standard two-hook top-bottom rig.

My basic set up is 40 or 50-pound braid to a 10-foot top shot of 50-pound mono tied to the braid with an Albright knot.  I use a Coast-Loc snap to connect the rig to the line.  You want to protect the braid from the rough environment where tog live by using the heavy mono top shot.

I like a conventional rod and reel for bottom fishing, but spinning outfits will work.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.     
