WGMD Fishing Report 12-29-18

Saturday saw small craft advisories on the bay and ocean so I don鈥檛 think many folks went fishing.

I did get a report from the Morning Star out of Ocean City with Captain Monty Hawkins who said they had some tog, but no limits.

The marine forecast looks good for Sunday and Monday so we may see a few folks on the water.

As 2018 comes to an end I say good riddance to a bad year so far as my fishing is concerned.聽 I started by not going trout fishing due to bad weather when I could go and good weather when I couldn鈥檛.聽 The opening of sea bass season on May 15 found me on the Angler out of Ocean City where I had a reservation since February.聽 At the end of the day I had exactly one fish in my cooler.聽 I think high hook was three sea bass.

I did catch a nice black drum in the surf and a five-pound flounder in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal, but those were the highlights of my year.聽 I don鈥檛 know if 2019 will be any better, but if it is any worse I may have to take up golf.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report聽聽聽聽聽

