WGMD Fishing Report 11-25-19


Sunday was a beautiful fall day with bright sunny skies and air temperatures in the 50s.  There was just one little problem.  That pesky 40-knot northwest wind that had gale warnings up in the ocean and small craft advisories up for the bay.  I did take a ride just to get out of the house and I can vouch for the fact that no one was fishing at Roosevelt Inlet or Indian River Inlet and no boats left the dock.

Lewes Harbour Marina is running their Annual Striped Bass Tournament.  It began on November23 and will conclude on December 22.  Entry fees are $30 for the entire tournament or pay $5.00 a day before you go fishing.  All entry fees must be paid in cash at Lewes Harbour Marina and all fish must be weighed at Lewes Harbour Marina.  The total entry fees will be awarded to the first three heaviest fish with First Place getting 50%, Second Place will get 30% and Third Place will get 20%.  The complete set of rules are available at Lewes Harbour Marina.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
