WGMD Fishing Report 11-14-22


Monday was not exactly fit for fishing and no boats left Lewes or Indian River Marina. I do believe a few boats are planning to fish on Tuesday.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said tog are still available at Indian River Inlet on sand fleas and green crab. The usual, catch a lot to keep one or two. They also reported a few short rockfish to 25 inches caught on bucktails from the jetty.

Speaking of rockfish or striped bass as they call them in New Jersey, my son Roger lives in New Jersey and teaches Middle School Science. He also has a Fishing Club at the school and on Election Day he took like 17 kids out fishing on a head boat. Guess what they caught? You guessed it, striped bass. Big ones. Little middle school kids catching big striped bass while we can鈥檛 find one over 25 inches.

We are due for a shot of cold weather that may or may not push those big fish down our way.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
