WGMD Fishing Report 11-13-22


Sunday saw northwest winds of 25 to 30 knots and dropping air temperatures. No boats went out because of small craft advisories and Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said very few people fished the beach or inlet due to the cold and windy conditions.

On Wednesday, November 30, I will attend the Advisory Council on Summer Flounder, Black Sea Bass and Scup. As a member of that council, I will be a part of the group that will recommend the regulations for those three species for the 2023 fishing season. I am also the only recreational fisherman on the council.

The way this works, the council recommends and then the bean counters at NOAA do whatever they darn well please. They use the data from the MRIP survey to determine just how many fish we will be allowed to keep.

If you recall this year they cut black sea bass, despite an abundance and relaxed regulations on summer flounder in spite of poor spawning success.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
