WGMD Fishing Report 11-12-22


Saturday saw very warm temperatures, but there were small craft advisories on the ocean and bay. No boats left Indian River Marina or out of Lewes. Sunday will continue with small craft advisories and Monday looks pretty nrough as well. Tuesday may be fishable.

Lewes Harbour Marina reported that Captain Brent Wiest from the Katydid now holds first and third place in their tog tournament. The First Place tog weighed in at 15.5 pounds while the Third Place fish went 9.6 pounds. The contest runs until November 20. If you plan to fish for tog, you need to enter.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said a few 20 to 22-inch rockfish were caught out of the surf on Saturday. No mention of the bait or lure, but I suspect cut bait or bloodworms. At least this is a welcome change from skates and dog sharks.

They also reported lots of short tog from Indian River Inlet on sand fleas and green crabs with the occasional keeper taken as well.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
