WGMD Fishing Report 10-12-21


Tuesday was another bad weather day with small craft advisories up all day. Wednesday will see winds finally drop out of the northeast at five to ten knots and seas will be three to four feet. On Thursday the wind will swing to the northwest at five to ten knots and seas will be three feet in the morning and drop to two feet in the afternoon.

Tommy at Lewes Harbour Marina said Nancy Rovinskie caught a 20-inch flounder out of the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal on a live bluefish.

Chris Huk, Pete Campbell and Mike Lewis, Jr. had quite an adventure offshore. First, they caught five yellowfin tuna between 65 and 70 pounds with at least one on a jig that was Chris’ first taken on that style lure. Then they set up for swordfish. Just a few minutes into the first drop they had a pickup and the fish ran to the surface where they saw it jump several times. An hour and a half later they landed a 415-pound swordfish. Even split three ways, that’s a lot of meat.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.

