WGMD Announces New Weekend Schedule

WGMD is pleased to make the following changes to our weekend schedule.


NEW SHOW 12n – 2pm  Tipping the Scale of Justice.  Legal Council John Brady will discuss legal issues and take your phone calls. Live and Local from the WGMD Studios  302-945-9292-

2p – 4p The Car Doctor  – Call Ron with your car questions and issues.  This show airs LIVE on WGMD 855-560-9900

NEW TIME 4p-6p The Pet Show.  Pet Expert Warren Eckstein is now Live on WGMD.  Call Warren with your pet questions. 855-725-8255

NEW TIME – 6p – 9pm Classic Radio Theater.  3 hours of your favorite old time radio broadcasts.

NEW TIME 9p – 12m  Handel On The Law  Handel on the Law is a unique combination of useful legal advice, and outrageous Handel remarks. As Bill always says, he loves to inform callers that they literally “have absolutely no case.”


NEW SHOW.  The Best of Ben Shapiro, this weekend beginning at 1pm, before Ravens Football.

Tired of the lies? Tired of the spin? Are you ready to hear the hard-hitting truth in comprehensive, conservative, principled fashion? The Ben Shapiro Show brings you all the news you need to know.. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch!

3:25pm Ravens Rap   WGMD Sports Director Mike Bradley analyzes last week’s loss to the Browns and talks about this week’s game.

4:25pm Ravens Football at Tennessee Titans

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