VIDEO: Community Bank’s Jack Riddle on the Cemetery at the Future Long Neck Bank Property


A small cemetery located at the future site of Community Bank Delaware in the Long Neck area at Routes 24 and 5 has been in the news recently. However reported plans that the 11 grave cemetery will be moved are speculative. Community Bank Delaware President and CEO, William Jack Riddle tells the Talk of Delmarva that they received final site plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 14th, but also included in their information proposed plans to have the cemetery moved by the Parsell Funeral Home and Crematorium to a well-maintained and secure location. They have also contacted the Lingo family and offered to give them the existing cemetery. If the family decides to hold on to the cemetery the family will make the final decision on keeping the cemetery where it is or to move it. As of Tuesday, Riddle says there has been no decision from any of the parties.

Riddle invites anyone with questions to contact them at 302-226-3333.
