Thousands Of Del. Senior Citizens To Be Vaccinated For COVID-19 This Weekend


11,500 Delaware senior citizens have appointments to get the coronavirus vaccine this weekend.

Delaware Public Health received tens of thousands of requests for appointments since opening registration Wednesday for Phase One-B, which makes the vaccine available for people who are 65 or older. The clinics Friday through Sunday are by appointment only and are being held at DMV locations in Georgetown and Delaware City. An additional 2,000 healthcare personnel in Phase One-A will also be vaccinated over the weekend.

Others who registered this week will be contacted in future weeks as more doses of the vaccine become available. Pharmacies and medical providers have also become a part of Delaware’s vaccination program.

“We are pleased that we will be able to focus on vaccinating thousands of our most vulnerable residents this weekend, and that we will be able to do so in an organized and efficient way,” DPH Director Dr. Karyl Rattay said. “For everyone else, we thank them for making requests and we are planning the ways to reach them in future weeks as more vaccine doses become available from the federal government.”

For more information about the vaccine and coronavirus, please CLICK HERE
