Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 9-4-23


I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. The weather was fishable all three days, which for Delaware is something to celebrate, holiday or not.

At Lewes Harbour Marina the report was good flounder fishing on the Katydid with Captain Brent and Mate Chris. They had flounder to Tom Briago鈥檚 Delaware Citation 8.24 pounder. They also had a catch of sea bass. The Surface Tension had flounder and sea bass as well.

At Breakwater Tackle on the fishing pier on Cape Henlopen State Park the report was croaker on bloodworms and Fishbites. One or two flounder were caught on live minnows.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle reported blues on incoming water caught on 1 to 2-ounce metal lures.

Hook 鈥榚m and Cook 鈥榚m said the Judy V had some flounder and sea bass on her half-day trips and the Captain Bob had had even more on the full day run. The offshore boats had dolphin and tilefish.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
