Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 8-28-23


Monday, oh blue Monday. I believe Fats Domino sang about Blue Monday when the weather was bad for fishing and he had to work like a slave all day. Well, Monday was just the beginning of a week of bad fishing weather with seas building to eight feet by Friday.

Lewes Harbour Marina said the only boat that left the dock was the Bottom Line and they were going after dolphin but had not returned when we called.

At Breakwater Tackle on the fishing pier at Cape Henlopen State Park they said fishing was slow on Monday with just a few spot and croaker caught on bloodworms and Fishbites.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle reported that blues were caught from the inlet during incoming water on 1 or 2-ounce metal lures. Rockfish in the 20 to 25-inch size were taken on white bucktails fished close to the rocks. They had no reports from the beach.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
