Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/26/23


Sunday was a miserable day with cold and rain not to mention small craft advisories on the ocean. Monday will see a continuation of the small craft advisories and on Tuesday they will graduate to gale warnings.

I did see one good report on Facebook. Mr. Boteler took his young son to Indian River Inlet for some tog fishing and was apprehensive about the experience because tog are not the easiest fish to catch, especially from the inlet rocks. As luck would have it, young Mr. Boteler caught a keeper tog on his first drop and managed to catch seven more tog during the time he spent with his Dad. Sounds like we have a fisherman for life.

It would appear from the marine forecast that tog fishing at Indian River Inlet or going for white perch or catfish in the tidal creeks and rivers is going to be the only option for most of the week.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.