Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/17/23


Friday saw good fishing weather and fish were caught from the ocean. Small craft advisories are up for Saturday and Sunday.

I received a notice from the Parks Division that the fishing pier at Cape Henlopen State Park will have some portions closed for inspection during the winter season. This is not unusual as the pier is past it鈥檚 life expectancy and has had several major repairs in the past.

Lewes Harbour Marina reported that the new leader in their tog tournament is Phillip Bandy with a nice tog weighing 19 pounds. The Katydid brought in the second-place tog, weighing 10.26 pounds and caught by Captain Brent. Several private boats had good catches of sea bass.

At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle they said small striped bass were caught on bucktails out of Indian River Inlet during the day. Small tog were taken on green crab and sand fleas with the occasional keeper.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
