Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/01/24


Thursday saw our good friend small craft advisory flying again so no boats left Lewes Harbour Marina, but the Elisabeth Ann out of Indian River Marina, as reported to Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em, ran 18 miles off the bell and caught two beautiful bluefin tuna. One weighed 169 pounds and the other was 89 pounds. It looks like we are going to have another fall run of bluefins close to shore in 2024. Please get your Migratory Species Permit just in case one of the big fish comes your way. Catching one without the permit is a federal offense. Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em also cleaned some tog that were caught out of Indian River Inlet.

Speaking of Indian River Inlet, Old Inlet reported the only action they heard of were keeper tog caught from the inlet. Sand fleas and green crabs were the baits used by successful anglers.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
