Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 10/24/23


Tuesday was as nice as advertised. Boats from Lewes and Indian River ran to ocean structure and came back with sea bass limits plus triggerfish, flounder and porgies.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said the tog and sheepshead action continues at Indian River Inlet with sand fleas and green crabs the top baits. Emmit Kelly had a 7-pound, 2-ounce largemouth bass from a private pond.

At Hook 鈥榚m and Cook 鈥榚m the report was very good. The Judy V ran an all-day trip and returned with a boat limit of sea bass plus 20 flounder. Other boats had sea bass, flounder, triggerfish and porgies from ocean structure.

Lewes Harbour Marina said the Katydid had a mixed bag of sea bass, bluefish and tog. Private boats had tog from the Outer Wall.

Breakwater Tackle said more people on the pier meant more fish caught. Short flounder, black drum, sheepshead and rays all came up on the boards on Tuesday.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.