Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 10-16-23

Monday saw reasonable weather, but no boats left the dock at Lewes or Indian River. It does look like a few will be going on Tuesday and a few more on Wednesday.

At breakwater Tackle on the fishing pier at Cape Henlopen State Park the report was another slow day. A few small flounder on minnows and a couple of stripers on live bait.

At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle they said thank heaven for the Indian River Inlet. The tog and sheepshead fishing there is keeping them in business selling sand fleas and green crabs. They did have a report from 3Rs Road where some 14-inch bluefish were caught on Monday.

Clark Evans, President of Delaware Mobile Surf Fishermen, sent me the names of the guys on the DMS Team 1 that won the Assateague Mobile Surf Fisherman鈥檚 Surf Fishing Tournament. They are Jim Haug, Mike Walker, Darren Purcell, Scott Aiken, Jr., Bob Dever and Acie Mankins.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
