Posts Tagged ‘June 8’
Governor Carney Announces Phase 2 – to Begin in 2 Weeks
Governor John Carney began Tuesday’s coronavirus update talking about the riots and looting in the wake of the death of George Floyd – around the country – as well as in Delaware. He said violence is not the answer but the coronavirus has also laid bare the inequities in our society in communities of color…
Read MoreNo Millsboro Municipal Election on June 8
There will be no election in Millsboro on June 8. Only incumbents – Mayor John Thoroughgood and Tim Hodges have filed for re-election. They will serve three year terms.
Read MoreFuneral Arrangements for Former DSU President William B. DeLauder
Delaware State University mourns the May 21 passing of Dr. William B. DeLauder, the eighth President of the Delaware State University, and celebrates his life and achievement, which figured prominently in the significant of the institution during his 1987-2003 tenure. At the time of his passing, he and wife Vermell resided in Jamestown, N.C. He…
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