New Seaford Park Also Honors Region’s Heritage

Photo courtesy of the City of Seaford

The new Oyster House Park in Seaford is opening up, giving more locals citizens and visitors access to the Nanticoke River, while exploring the area’s history. The ribbon was cut at the park at the site of the old J.B. Robinson Oyster House Thursday. Construction began in December 2020 and focused on enhancing access to…

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Work Starts On Seaford Riverfront Projects

(Left: Randall Larrimore, Chair of the Board of Directors, Chesapeake Conservancy, and Right: Seaford Mayor David Genshaw) Photo by Trisha Newcomer/City of Seaford

A revitalization project is underway at the old J.B. Robinson Oyster House site along the Seaford River Walk. The National Park Service and the Chesapeake Conservancy plan to rebuild the bulkhead to stabilize the shoreline. Other plans include a performance deck, boat docking facilities, a kayak launch and the planting of a “living shoreline” along…

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