UPDATED: DE State Senate Establishes Rules for 153rd General Assembly


UPDATED – 12/16/24 – The State Senate has now confirmed all but two of the Governor’s nominations.  Two nominations are in committee.  ================================================== The State Senate has established its rules for the next two years and elected David Sokola as President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Six amendments were offered by Senate Republicans as the…

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Two New Judges Confirmed by DE Senate; Two Reappointed


The Delaware State Senate has confirmed two judicial nominations. On Thursday the Senate confirmed the nomination of Thomas Pedersen to serve as Court of Common Pleas Judge in Sussex County and Candace Holmes to serve as Family Court Commissioner in Kent County. The State Senate also confirmed the reappointment of Family Court Judge Mardi Pyott…

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Limited Use of Styrofoam Containers & Single-Use Plastics Passes DE Senate


Polystyrene, or Styrofoam, containers and many single-use plastics are one step closer to limited use at Delaware food establishments. Senate Bill 51 would bar restaurants from serving ready-to-eat food in styrofoam containers and prohibit the providing of single-use straws, unless requested by the consumer, as well as single-use plastic coffee stirrers, cocktail picks and sandwich…

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DE State Senate Unveils Senate Committees for 152nd General Assembly


The Delaware State Senate has unveiled the 17 Senate committees for the 152nd General Assembly – and who is assigned to each committee. There are several key changes in the make up of these committees, which Senate President Pro-Tempore Dave Sokola says show how intertwined issues are with one another – for example the Transportation…

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DE State Senate Reconvenes Tuesday


The Delaware State Senate will reconvene at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16. The Senate is expected to consider the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution and a bill related to video conferencing by public bodies. A pair of consent agendas also slated to be considered include four charter changes and eight…

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