Fenwick Island Takes On Low-Speed Vehicles, Confusion Over Construction Holidays


Fenwick Island officials have plenty on the plate Friday Council members have been considering a ban on low-speed vehicles, with the goal of keeping shuttles off Bunting Avenue in particular. According to Councilwoman Natalie Magdeberger, Bunting Avenue becomes Fenwick Island’s de facto boardwalk during summer months. “We’ve basically allowed that stretch of roadway to remain…

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Gunshot Penetrates Wall Of Occupied Home In Lincoln


An occupied residence in Lincoln was struck by gunfire over the weekend. According to Delaware State Police, troopers responded to the 19,000-block of Bunting Avenue shortly before 2:00 a.m. Sunday for a report of gunfire. A bullet came through an exterior wall into a bedroom where someone was sleeping, traveled through an interior wall and…

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