Update: Sussex Tech Campus Will Close Thur., Fri. For Deep Cleaning


On Wednesday, Sussex Tech announced that out of an abundance of caution the Sussex Tech campus will close Oct. 29th and Fri. Oct. 30th for a deep cleaning. The district announced that a staff member in the district had tested positive for COVID-19.

The staff member followed proper mask-wearing protocols and maintained proper social distancing while on campus, according to the district. People who were in contact with the affected staff member have been notified individually and advised on a recommended course of action.

(earlier story)

The Sussex Tech School District says a staff member and a student have tested positive for COVID-19.

District officials say the student and the staff member were following protocols regarding the wearing of masks and maintaining social distance. They tested positive separately. People who were in contact with the affected staff member have been told and have been advised of a recommended course of action.

District families are advised to monitor students for any symptoms of the virus.

The majority of Sussex Tech students continue to learn remotely under a modified virtual learning format. Some attend for hands-on learning or other instruction. The district also says its following a strict cleaning and hygiene regimen.
