Sussex GOP Votes ‘No Confidence’ in Vice Chair Nellie Jordan


By a 2 vote margin, the Sussex County GOP voted “no confidence” in Nellie Jordan after comments that deemed by some as anti-Semitic were made on her Facebook page a month ago. The Sussex GOP held its regular meeting at the CHEER Center in Georgetown Monday night, but the vote on Jordan’s fate was taken behind closed doors during an executive session while dozens of people – many wearing “I stand for Nellie” signs waited for nearly 90 minutes in the hallways and lobby. By the time the vote was ended and the general public allowed back into the room – most of the Sussex GOP executive committee had left.

Sussex GOP Chairman Don Petitmermet tells WGMD she has been removed as the Vice Chair and cannot hold an official position in the party for two election cycles. He felt going in to the vote that it would be close with a “fairly wide split in the party.” WGMD asked Petitmermet if this has split the Sussex GOP even more than it has been and he said that he believes it has divided people over where different issues fall in their personal feelings. He says that he feels that “everyone here, no matter how they voted, truly felt they were doing what they thought was best for all concerned.”

The Sussex GOP Advisory Board will fill the vacant position until an election is held – if needed.
