Sussex County Launches New Alert System for Deed Activity


If you own property in Sussex County, you now have an added defense when it comes to protecting your home. The County recorder of Deeds Office has launched a free service called the Recording Activity Notification Service. The feature provides email alerts to property owners who have subscribed to the service whenever a land record is recorded with their registered name. Recorder of Deeds Alexandra Reed Baker moved to institute the feature shortly after taking office in January, saying it is already included in the online recording software that Sussex County uses to manage its database of property deeds and mortgages. Reed Baker said providing the citizens of Sussex County with tools to help protect their property from deed fraud is of utmost importance to her. The service comes at a time of growing concern nationwide about identity theft, specifically deed fraud, whereby thieves file fictitious documents to steal the land right from under a property owner.

To sign up or learn more, visit Or call the Recorder of Deeds office at (302) 855-7785 for more information.
