UPDATED: Sussex County Council Hears from Residents of Milton-area Development – Anthem


UPDATED – 09/17/24 – Several residents of the Anthem Development in Milton spoke during the public comment portion of Tuesday’s meeting. They are dealing with issues with their development company – Milford Housing Development Corporation – everything from dead or dying perimeter buffer trees, culverts with standing water and other drainage issues, swampy open space where dirt was removed and not replaced and now collects standing water, a community pool that hasn’t been registered or inspected by Delaware Public Health and is in need of repairs. Residents have contacted the developer, Sussex Conservation.

Council President Mike Vincent said that someone from the County would be in contact with the residents who came forward and the resident who called in. This is not the first time residents from Anthem have approached County officials. A story by the Cape Gazette in August of 2022 outlined many of the same issues that were discussed during Tuesday’s Council meeting.

Three County employees won Third Quarter Employee Recognition Awards – or Shining Star Awards. Human Resources Director Karen Brewington told the Council there were 37 submissions for the Third Quarter Employee Recognition and the Shining Star committee chose three winners. Lauren Devore from the Planning & Zoning office, Marvin Roberts from Engineering and Christopher Volpe in the Geographical Information Office each receive a certificate, Shining Star pin and are eligible for Employee of the Year as well.

Two sewer annexation expansion projects have been approved for the next phase which is preparing and posting notices for public hearings for annexation into the Sussex County Unified Sanitary Sewer District. They are the Woods at Angola Beach Annexation – which is undeveloped land (90 lots proposed for the site) which abuts the existing Angola Beach & Estates in the Angola Neck Area and Leeward Chase II Annexation which is 2 developed parcels – with a liquor store and a church – adjacent to the Leeward Chase project in the Airpark Area.

There were three public hearings. An ordinance to authorize the issuance of up to $9,236,846 of General Obligation Bonds of Sussex County was approved with a unanimous vote. This is in connection with the North Ellendale Sewer Flow Diversion Project.

A Change of Zone No. 2005 filed on behalf of Cherner Development Group to amend the comprehensive zoning map for a 1.58 acre parcel at the intersection of Route 24 and Warrington Road in Rehoboth Beach to be rezoned from AR-1 to C-3 Heavy Commercial District for a second location for Waves Car Wash. The Council voted 4 to 1 to approve. Council Vice President John Rieley voted no. He said that he would prefer the area to remain AR 1 for the possibility of future housing. He would be more comfortable if this was a conditional use application. He is not comfortable with the long list of commercial property options available with a change of zone.

The final public hearing, Conditional Use No 2539 on behalf of BCB Management, LLC is for a diesel mechanic, parts shop and truck parking for 5.46 acres on Route 113 south of East Redden Road north of Georgetown. That application was approved with a 5 to 0 vote.

The Sussex County Council will meet again next Tuesday, September 24 in the County Administration offices on The Circle in Georgetown.


ORIGINAL STORY – 09/16/24 – The Sussex County Council will meet Tuesday – beginning at 1pm in the Council Chambers in Georgetown. Third Quarter Employee Recognition Awards will be announced and Director of Utility Planning, John Ashman will discuss two sewer annexations for the Woods at Angola Beach and Leeward Chase II.

There are three public hearings – one is for the issuance of $9.2-million of General Obligation bonds in connection with the North Ellendale Sewer Flow Diversion Project. There is also a Change of Zone application (No. 2005) for 1.58 acres of AR 1 property to a C-3 Heavy Commercial District at Route 24 & Warrington Road west of Rehoboth Beach. The other is a Conditional Use application (No. 2539) for a diesel mechanic, parts shop and truck parking for 5.46 acres on Route 113 south of East Redden Road north of Georgetown.

The Council will meet at 1pm in the County Administration Building on The Circle in Georgetown.



