UPDATED: Sussex County Council Approves Ordinance Regulating Marijuana Establishments


UPDATED – 05/14/24 – The Sussex County Council held four public hearings Tuesday afternoon. The Council approved two Conditional Use applications – one for a professional office at Wilkins Lane and Route 9 east of Georgetown and one for a tree service business on Gravel Hill Road in Millsboro. A Change of Zone application was approved for Rudy Marine on Route 113 in Dagsboro.

The final public hearing was Ordinance 24-01 – to regulate marijuana establishments in Sussex County. Assistant County Attorney Vince Robertson told the Council that Sussex County must establish its regulations before the State regulations take effect and while municipalities can prohibit marijuana establishments the County can only regulate it. Cultivation, manufacturing and testing facilities would be allowed in multiple zoning districts, however retail businesses would only be allowed in C-3 districts – with a conditional use. Two people spoke during the public hearing including Zoe Patchell of the Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network who felt the regulations were too strict and should be more along the lines of alcohol and tobacco businesses. Three Council members, while not happy with the ordinance, opted to vote to approve as it would be better for the County to regulate than the State. Ordinance 24-01 was approved with a 5 to 0 vote.


ORIGINAL STORY – 05/13/24 – The Sussex County Council will meet on Tuesday, however the meeting will begin at 12:30pm with several pieces of county business from the County Engineering and Utility Planning departments. There are four public hearings – three are Conditional Use or Change of Zone applications. There is also a public hearing on an ordinance amendment, No. 24-01, dealing with the regulation of marijuana establishments in Sussex County./

The Council meeting will begin at 12:30pm at the County Administration building on The Circle in Georgetown.

Click here for the Council Agenda

Click here for the Council Packet
