Sussex County Council Approves FY 2022 Budget


The Sussex County Council has approved the $278-million FY 2022 Budget as well as the assessment rolls for water and sewer districts, water and sewer rates. The council voted unanimously to approve. However the vote on increased fees for the Marriage Bureau for the performing of marriage ceremonies and renewal of vows after normal business hours and on weekends and to increase fees for non-Delaware residents for out-of-office ceremonies passed with a 4 to 1 vote, with Councilwoman Cindy Green voting against.

Several people commented on the proposed FY 2022 Budget during the public hearing – housing was brought up by several who thanked the Council for including funding for the Housing Trust Fund in the budget.

The FY 2022 budget includes no increase in the County property tax rate, but does include changes in road and sewer inspection fees, and a new fee for water fire suppression availability. This spending plan will fund a variety of local services, such as 911 dispatchers, paramedics, and local libraries, as well as various projects, including expanding sewer service and construction of a state-of-the-art public safety complex. The plan is the most significant budget in the County鈥檚 history, up $100 million from the current year, with much of that amount the product of increased capital construction and an infusion of cash from the federal government鈥檚 American Rescue Plan.

In Old Business the Council has approved three applications for the same property which were deferred some time ago. All three applications are for Chappell Farms. Change of Zone No. 1891 – for 6.4 acres to be rezoned from AR-1 to Medium Residential and Change of Zone No. 1892 – for 8.54 acres to be rezoned from AR-1 to Heavy Commercial – both were approved with a 5 to 0 vote of the Council. Conditional Use 2193 – for 128 multi-family units to be built on the smaller portion of the property. Council President Mike Vincent proposed three amendments to the existing conditions which were approved by the Council, however Councilwoman Cindy Green voted no on the amendment that would require that no building permit be issued for any commercial use buildings until the overpass and side road DelDOT project at Route 1 and Cave Neck Road is completed. The amended Conditional Use application was approved with a 5 to 0 vote.

The County has received a federal payment in lieu of taxes from the US Department of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service for the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. This check, for $38,898 represents payments under the Refuge Revenue Sharing Act covering Fiscal Year 2020. This check is funded through revenues generated from the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge and from a supplemental congressional appropriation. Sussex County may use these funds for any governmental purpose. No taxes are collected by the County from the Federal Government for the Refuge. This funding will benefit the Milford and Cape Henlopen School Districts, where the Refuge is located. (23.14% = $9,001 for the Milford District and 76.86% = $29,897 in the Cape District)

There was discussion from County Administrator Todd Lawson and P&Z Director, Jamie Whitehouse concerning signage for land use application notices that are placed on properties for Change of Zone, Conditional Use, RPC, major subdivisions, special use exceptions and variances. Many people have complained that the current notice signs are too small and not easy to read, lack needed information, fall over or blow away. The County has looked at what is used in Kent County(see picture), which has 2 size options for signs, are sturdier and provide much more information as well as a QR code that links to the County database. This will be revisited at a later date.

The County Council received an update from DelDot on the Capital Transportation Program. This covers project candidates for FY 23 – including several overpasses in the Route 113 North/South Study – at Route 113 and Redden Road, Route 113 and Shortly Road/S. Bedford Street and Route 113 at Avenue of Honor and E. Piney Grove Road. Other projects around the County are included like the Mulberry Knoll Road Extension and improvements for Shady Road and Postal Lane all west of Lewes.
