Sussex County Council: Appointment Proposed for P&Z Vacancy; Perdue Agribusiness Looking at a New Home in Delmar


Sussex County Councilman Rob Arlett has made an appointment to the Planning & Zoning Commission. This is the first time the county has used a new process for applications and vetting. There were four candidates interested – three of them applied online. Arlett has proposed Holly Wingate of Millville for the seat being vacated by Marty Ross. Her experience includes being a member of the Millville Planning & Zoning Commission. The council will hold a public interview with Wingate during a future meeting.

Officials from Delmar and Perdue Agribusiness appeared before the County Council to request $150,000 in funding so that Perdue Agribusiness can relocate its headquarters to a site across Route 13 from the Delmar Speedway. The funding would be for the purchase of 6 parcels. Perdue is putting $125,000 towards the project and Representative Tim Dukes has had a verbal commitment from Governor Carney for $205,000. It’s expected to take about 9 months – however the project must be completed by 2019 or they will lose the state funding.

During the Administrator’s Report, the county bid farewell to Assistant County Engineer Joe Wright, who is retiring. A proclamation was read into the record in his honor.

The county council discussed matters relating to buffers and density. This item was placed on the agenda at the request last week of Councilman IG Burton. The council will have further discussion on the density issue and one of the buffer topics. An ordinance will be drafted for the second buffer topic.

The council granted a one-time six month time extension for the new Troop 7 that will be built off Mulberry Knoll Road.

During the public comment session at the beginning of the meeting, Dan Kramer of Greenwood asked the council if there was any penalty for someone who gives false testimony before the Board of Adjustment. Councilman George Cole brought that topic back up during council member comment – which may be explored further.

The afternoon session has two conditional use applications and one change of zone. There has been no recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission on any of the applications, which means the County Council must defer a vote after hearing from the public on the applications. All three are on Thursday’s P&Z agenda under old business.

