“Super Spreader” In Bridgeville?


A large Labor Day weekend event on Redden Road near Bridgeville has drawn the attention of state health officials and Governor John Carney.

Videos and photos of the concert and rodeo event depicted many people close together, not wearing masks. The size of the crowd has been estimated at 2,000.

ā€œI was very disturbed by the photographs I saw,ā€ Carney said.Ā ā€œIt is clearly not allowed, a gathering like that.Ā I did not see folks wearing masks and I saw people shoulder to shoulder.ā€Ā 

Carney also said the gathering has the potential to be a so-called “super spreader,” the type of incident that could lead to a spike in COVID-19 cases.

Public Health Director Dr. Karyl Rattay added that the gathering “has put many people at risk.” She urged everyone who attended to get tested for coronavirus.

Public Health is also working with the Attorney General’s Office to determine whether to pursue legal action against organizers of the event.
