Statement from Lewes Fire Department after Racial Slur Heard on Department Radio


The Lewes Fire Department has investigated an incident where a member used a racial slur which went out over a department radio.  The Department has now concluded its internal investigation and found that member to be in violation of the Department’s harassment and diversity policy – and that member has been disciplined in accordance with the Department’s Constitution and By-Laws.  That member did receive a summary punishment which includes a 30-day suspension, removal from office and will be required to take diversity training.  The Department’s policies are also being reviewed to assure they are updated and in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.

Here is the full statement from the Lewes Fire Department:

The Lewes Fire Department has concluded its internal investigation involving a member that used a racial slur over the fire departments radio. The internal investigation was sustained, meaning that the member was found to be in violation of the departments harassment and diversity policy. The fire department does not condone, nor will we tolerate this type of behavior from any of our membership. The member was disciplined in accordance with our Constitution and By-Laws. It is the policy of the department that we will not release the members name however, the member did receive a summary punishment which included a 30-day suspension, removal from office and is required to take diversity training. The board of directors are currently reviewing the departments policies to assure that they are updated and are in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. The department requires all members to review the departments harassment policy on an annual basis, and we are working towards a mandated diversity and inclusion interactive training requirement for all members. We hold our memberships to the highest level as we are public safety professionals. We are entrusted by the public to ensure that we serve them in the highest capacity and by the actions of one, we have lost trust that we must gain back.
