Start the New Year with a Hike


DELAWARE: First Day Hikes will continue the tradition of self-guided hikes at each Delaware State Park. Each park will also have a welcome station, where you can check in to be counted and pick up your First Day Hike sticker or magnet. Sites will also offer a send off time, where you can gather with other hikers for a group photo and welcome message. Selected sites are offering guided hikes. Participating State Parks in Delaware include – Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware Seashore State Park, Fort DuPont, Fort Miles Historical Area, Holts Landing State Park, Killens Pond State Park, Trap Pond State Park.

MARYLAND: You’ll find First Day Hikes in Maryland as well for the beginner to the experienced hiker through all Maryland’s State Parks, forests and wildlife management areas. In Worcester and Somerset Counties – there guided and self-guided hikes at Assateague State Park, Pocomoke River State Park, Janes Island State Park.
