Senate Releases Updated Maps; Slaughter Beach Back In District 18


Monday evening, the Delaware State Senate released final, revised maps of legislative districts based on the US Census, making them available in advance of the General Assembly’s special session devoted to redistricting next Monday, November 1st.

Several revisions were made to maps that were released earlier in October:

-Slaughter Beach is reunited with Milford as a community of interest in the 18th District. The earlier maps had relocated the small bayside community in the 16th District.

-Senate Districts in Sussex and Kent Counties are altered to ensure that some of the faster-growing districts in the state are closer to the average population figure for Senate Districts.

According to Senate leadership, three public hearings that were held on proposed maps and the redistricting process generated a total of 99 public comments. Each person who commented in written form received a response, and Senate staff revisited communities of interest to “ensure as many as possible were kept as intact as possible within individual districts.”

“While this year’s redistricting process certainly has been intensive, it has also been open, transparent, and collaborative,” Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, D-Newark said. “We took input from the public to heart and seriously considered every recommendation. We also engaged our colleagues from across the aisle at every turn. The result is a set of fair maps that the League of Women Voters in its own public testimony acknowledge score highly in third-party evaluations. I call on my colleagues to support these maps next week.” 

To access the new maps and for more information about redistricting, please CLICK HERE
