Salvation Army Drive-Thru Food Pantry Thursday – Seaford


The Salvation Army of Delaware will hold drive-thru food distribution on Thursday May 7 at locations in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties.

Captain Timothy Sheehan, Delaware State Coordinator says that food insecurity has always been a front- line service for The Salvation Army, but the COVID-19 pandemic has broadened the scope and gravity of the need. “We have seen a tremendous increase in recent food requests and the difficulties many are facing as a result of the current pandemic. Many have been laid off or have lost their jobs altogether,” said Sheehan.

In response, The Salvation Army will increase efforts with a mass food distribution day, Thursday, May 7 at its corps locations in Wilmington, Dover, and Seaford. Community members will be asked to provide proof of Delaware residency and have trunk space available and accessible. Boxed food will be placed in the trunk or back of each vehicle. To maintain a standard of hygiene and social distancing, drivers should remain in their vehicles.

Times and locations for the May 7, 2020 event are listed below:
• New Castle County – 105 W. 5th Street, Wilmington, DE (Use 5th Street only). 9a.m. – 12p.m.
• Kent County – 611 Forest St. Dover, DE 9a.m. -12p.m.
• Sussex County – Salvation Army, 22318 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE 9a.m.-1p.m.
