Salisbury U. Plans For Regular Campus Operations In Fall


Salisbury University plans to make most classes available on campus for the start of the fall semester.

University officials said Wednesday that the SU community’s diligence and national efforts to combat the virus such as vaccines will likely make it possible to resume most activities. Some safety measures are still likely to remain in place affecting students, faculty and employees such as face masks, social distancing and regular testing for COVID-19. Some hybrid instruction is also possible.

Currently, more than 50-percent of Salisbury University’s classes are held face-to-face or in hybrid formats.

“Thanks to our dedicated students and employees, SU is in a better position to move to this level than many of our peers. Last semester, about 50% of our classes were face-to-face or hybrid while many other campuses adopted a fully virtual model. Currently, more than 50% of Salisbury’s classes are being held in face-to-face or hybrid modalities, compared to 25% or fewer at some of our University System of Maryland partners. The willingness of our campus community to follow safety protocols and participate in regular COVID-19 testing has allowed this and is the reason we are able to plan for a more “normal” fall semester,” said an email from the Salisbury University President’s office. 
