Returning UD Students Must Prove COVID Vax


The University of Delaware will require students to demonstrate proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.

Differing from Delaware State, UD will not be requiring faculty and staff to get vaccinated.

UD President Dennis Assanis outlined the policy in a letter to the university community Wednesday:

Dear UD Community,

I hope this message finds you in good health as the University of Delaware continues to progress through the spring semester with a renewed sense of optimism for brighter days ahead. To continue protecting the health and safety of our community while transitioning to more normal academic operations and campus life, the University will require all students — undergraduate, graduate and professional — who will be on UD campuses this fall to be fully immunized against COVID-19 before their arrival to campus, and no later than Aug. 15, 2021.

This requirement is consistent with the recommendation provided by the American College Health Association for all students planning to attend college for the fall of 2021 semester. Please note that the University encourages all current students who are not yet vaccinated to do so as soon as possible in order to advance our goal for approaching UD community immunity and reducing the risk of infection. Please visit the Student Health Services website for more information to upload proof of full vaccination. For students who cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccine for medical or religious reasons, documented exemptions will be accommodated.

International students may need to provide additional information to Student Health Services since vaccine resources and standards vary across countries. If international students have any questions, including how to access an approved vaccine after arriving please contact Specific guidance and instructions for new and incoming international students will be forthcoming.

Vaccines are key elements in our commitment to returning to a robust campus life in the fall and beyond. We all want to end the pandemic that has so disrupted all aspects of our lives as soon as possible. While face coverings, physical distancing, the Health Symptom Checker and other measures continue to play important roles in protecting our community, those who are not vaccinated will be subject to frequent testing requirements in the fall.

For several months, teams of UD experts — including members of our Health Advisory Committee and Coronavirus Operations Group, composed of research and health experts, epidemiologists, and emergency management personnel — have convened to assess the research and public health guidance so that we may determine the best path forward. UD has also continued its close consultation with public health experts in the state of Delaware and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In short, we know from nationally reported data that vaccinations are successfully preventing COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths. For this reason, it is more critical than ever that our community works together to ensure that this progress does not stop.

Internal surveys reflect significant interest in vaccination among our students, faculty, and staff, with more than 96% of respondents being fully vaccinated, in the process of vaccination or having a desire to be vaccinated. To this end, UD will continue to offer vaccine events on campus to help ensure many more individuals are vaccinated.

Information about upcoming campus vaccination opportunities and other COVID-19 topics is available at Please note that surveillance testing will remain in place for the summer and details will follow. Surveillance testing on campus will be held at Clayton Hall starting on Wednesday, June 2. Testing will be available every Wednesday during the summer sessions from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation as we work toward a robust and successful return to campus in the fall. With your help, we can all anticipate a future filled with greater hope and promise.


signature of President Dennis Assanis
Dennis Assanis
