Rescue Funds Start Arriving To Del. Local Governments


Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 are making their way into the accounts of local governments in Delaware.

State Treasurer Colleen Davis said Wednesday that her office has been developing a process to make delivery of rescue plan funds as fast and efficient as possible. Government officials submitted their budget information through a secure online form for calculation of the amount to be received.

The State Treasurer’s website also has set up a dashboard to indicate the progress of distribution. To access the dashboard, please CLICK HERE

“The dashboard not only keeps the public informed about the process, it promotes transparency across the board, letting citizens know when their local officials get their money,” Davis said. “I felt these local governments receiving their own money needed to be a mandatory element of ARPA as the legislation was being developed, and I advocated for this important distinction from how money was distributed under last year’s CARES Act.”

“I also want to thank our colleagues in the Delaware Department of Finance and the Office of Management and Budget for their assistance ensuring a smooth process so the money can go to help as many Delawareans as possible in the ways their local governments deem most appropriate, as well as the members of our federal delegation for their help in communication with the U.S. Treasury,” Davis added.
