Rehoboth Beach Steps Up Special Meeting Schedule


The plate is getting full for the Rehoboth Beach Commissioners.

In addition to their regular meetings, the board will hold several special meetings into February. Sussex County’s outfall proposal, the Wilmington and Baltimore Avenue Streetscape, the comprehensive development plan, the fiscal 2023 budget and outdoor dining are among issues to be discussed at special meetings.

“These are significant topics that deserve our focused attention so that we can work through them and arrive at informed decisions,” Rehoboth Beach Mayor Stan Mills said.

According to a news release from the City of Rehoboth Beach:

Agendas for all Board of Commissioner meetings are posted to the city website seven days in advance. Through the city’s digital Legislative Portal, which is linked on the city’s homepage with a green icon on the right, residents may view an upcoming meetings calendar for all city boards, commissions, and committees and, once it is published, find a link to the meeting agenda. Residents may scroll down the Legislative Portal page to find a “Subscribe” link by which they may sign up to receive email notifications when meeting agendas are published.

Once a Board of Commissioners agenda is published, the meeting is announced in the Latest News section on the city’s homepage at with a link to the agenda.
