Rehoboth Beach Recognized Nationally For Budget Accomplishments


Rehoboth Beach has won national recognition for the work that went into its fiscal year 2021-22 budget.

The city is a first-time recipient of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association. The award is said to represent an organization’s commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.

“Transparency is the chief benefit for residents of recognized communities,” Rehoboth Beach Finance Director Burt Dukes said. “The city’s current budget document includes additional information that is not typically a component of the independent auditor’s report. Budgets that receive GFOA’s distinguished presentation award are written in a simple narrative and provide tables and charts that the average, nonfinancial expert can easily understand.”

Dukes added that technology and software upgrades to the accounting system have allowed the finance department to compile more information for its budget document in a faster and more efficient manner.

Rehoboth is the smallest community in Delaware to receive the award, which has also been earned by Sussex County government.

“I am so very proud to be the first small municipality in the state to achieve this distinction,” Rehoboth Beach City Manager Sharon Lynn said. “Receiving this prestigious award from GFOA certainly marks a major milestone for the City of Rehoboth Beach and illustrates how we’ve excelled at utilizing 21st century tools to provide comprehensive, accessible, and clear information to our citizens.”

The Rehoboth Beach budget is available online – please CLICK HERE
